The current American workplace has the broadest age range of employees in history. With each age group comes different priorities. Someone nearing retirement has different concerns than a person who grew up with a cellphone.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a multigenerational workforce? And what can your business do to handle any potential problems?

Minding the Age Gap

Five generations currently occupy the same office space:

  • Silent Generation – Born before 1946
  • Baby Boomers – Born between 1946-1964
  • Generation X – Born between 1965-1980
  • Millennials – Born between 1981-1998
  • Generation Z – Born after 1998

Each generation has feelings about pay, benefits and “company culture.” Some generations feel a deep loyalty to their jobs while other generations don’t.

Millennials and Generation Z prefer flexible hours and time off and prioritize fulfillment over financial gain. They’re also more comfortable with technology, such as smartphones, social media, video conferencing and cloud storage.

These attitudes can cause tension with Baby Boomers, who may view the younger generations as invaders. Boomers work long hours. They expect teamwork and hierarchical structures. Their younger colleagues value autonomy. And both Baby Boomers and Generation Xers tend to communicate over the phone and by email.

Generation X does, however, enjoy flexible work hours and less supervision. They also emphasize family over work.

Dealing with Conflict

How can you manage this diversity of perspectives and philosophies? When working with your team, consider:

  • Offering flexibility with remote work, job sharing and a compressed workweek
  • Building teams with a blend of age ranges who each bring it’s a unique skillset to a project
  • Using multiple communication channels
  • Providing frequent feedback and evaluation
  • Creating a space for knowledge sharing and mentoring

This may seem daunting, but Signet Screening is your partner for industry insight.

“With our pre-employment screening assistance and assessment testing, you can understand what background and experience a prospective employee brings to the table. We’re here to help you make the most informed hiring decisions possible,” says Signet President and CEO Matt Messersmith.

For More Information

Signet can deliver better a nuanced perspective on an ever-changing industry. A healthy workforce can improve business results and contribute to your bottom line. Contact us today and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for more information.

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