At Signet Screening, we’re proud to provide our clients with superior customer service while delivering effective, timely background check information.

We work with a variety of industries – from health care and manufacturing companies to staffing agencies and financial firms – to help them make better, more informed hiring decisions.

During our client partnerships, we sometimes hear the question “Why are you named Signet?” Well, the answer goes back more than 4,000 years.

The history of the signet ring

The word signet comes from the Latin “sigillum” meaning seal. When the Romans conquered Greece in 146 CE, the styles of Roman signet rings mingled with those of the Greeks. The signet rings were important in Roman culture as they were symbols of authority granted to warriors and senior officials by the Roman emperor. The Roman signet depicted gods, battle scenes and the faces of emperors who granted them.

But the story of the signet ring goes even further back in history. Archeologists trace its first use back to ancient Egypt, more than 4,000 years ago. They discovered many signet rings in the tombs of pharaohs and senior officials, leading historians to believe that these rings were used to signify authority and seal business transactions.

In historical times, signet rings were often quite beautiful, but they also had an important role in society. They were developed as an identification mark because few people could write. Rather than signing their name on a document, people would use a signet ring to make their mark. The ring would be pressed into hot wax or soft clay, and then leave a distinctive impression that functioned as an official seal.

What signet means for you

When envisioning and planning his pre-employment screening company, President Matt Messersmith believed that signet perfectly portrayed what he wanted to provide his clients on a daily basis.

“We want our clients to be 100 percent certain of the information they receive about a job candidate,” Matt said. “We stand by all our background screening results as if we used a signet ring declaring an official seal.”

Our dedicated Signet Screening team works closely with companies to develop a screening and hiring process that best suits their unique business needs. For more information about our background checks, pre-employment assessments and technological capabilities, please contact us

The Signet shield

As President Matt Messersmith envisioned his new company, he wanted to complement the strength of the Signet name with an equally strong visual icon. That’s why the Signet shield was developed with specific elements representing important company characteristics:

  • The columns for opportunity
  • The mace for authority
  • The hammer for hard work

At Signet Screening, our team continually looks for opportunities to help our clients make more informed hiring decisions. Then we put in the hard work and dedication to providing authoritative job candidate data.

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